Renovation Notices For Popular Tourist Spots in Japan

Don’t get caught surprised by a destination being closed for renovations. Read here to find out what is affected by major renovations so that you can plan your trip accordingly!


[Name Here] X = Not open to visit (MAJOR Renovations)

[Name Here] * = There is only a minor inconvenience here, so you can still visit.

[Name Here] ** = There are some main features covered up, but you can still see most of it.

Kumamoto Prefecture

Kumamoto Castle (*)

Notice until: 2030+

Details: The Kumamoto Catle was severely damaged in an Earthquake during the mid 2010’s and has since been rendered unsafe for tourists. The Castle has reopened now, but some work around the castle’s grounds has still to be done. 

Aomori Prefecture

Hirosaki Castle (*)

Notice until: 2025

Details: The Castle keep at hirosaki in aomori prefecture has been moved roughly 80 meters from it’s original resting place on the corner of the castle moat as they are repairing the foundation. The castle is still visit-able, just the castle is not in it’s original spot.

Nara Prefecture

Kofukuji Temple (*)

Notice until: 2030

Details: Kofuku-ji Temples 5-storied pagoda was scheduled to undergo extensive renovations. This will result in the pagoda being completely covered once work begins.

Tochigi Prefecture

Toshogu Shrine (*)

Notice until: 2024

Details: The Shrine is being renovated in sections at a time as part of a 15 year renovation project. Because of this, there are still large sections of the shrine that you are able to visit while only a small bit of the shine is being worked on at a time. 

Ehime Prefecture

Dogo Onsen(*)

Notice Until: 2024

Details: The Dogo Onsen is currently undergoing some serious maintenance to the facility, and will mildly impact those who visit.  Just a bit of interior and exterior work to be done over the next couple years.

  • This list is updated on the 2nd Thursday of Every month. 
  • The Renovations listed on this list are only the major renovations which are likely to cause some inconvenience to you should you visit
  • While we try our best to list all of the renovations, there are so many destinations in Japan and it is impossible to keep on top of all of them. As such, there will be some renovations which may go unnoticed for a while. We will not be held responsible for any missing renovations on our list.
  • We will not be held responsible for any injury or death caused by any party entering a construction zone. The warnings are in place for a reason.
  • We remind you to please stick to the guided paths to prevent injury to yourself, others, or to property.