Hokkaido prefecture is Japan’s most northern island, and is the largest prefecture. The population for the prefecture is roughly 5.5 Million people. The prefecture’s capital city is Sapporo, and the prefecture is Japan’s largest producer of Agriculture, primarily dairy products. Dairy from Hokkaido is famous all across Japan, as there are over half a million cows in the prefecture, making it the largest diary producing prefecture in Japan.
Not only is Hokkaido known for dairy products, Hokkaido is full of natural beauty, with sprawling hills, volcanic fields, and a wide variety of wildlife. In spring, the snow capped mountains line the roads, the tulips poke through the grass, and the cherry blossoms bloom later than everywhere else in the country. In Summer, the snow melt creates stunning rivers, and lush forests. As Autumn rolls around, the leaves turn all sorts of colours with the cooler air, and the snow begins early here.
Hokkaido is also a snow-lovers paradise, as there are countless winter attractions, including Ice Hotels, remarkable ski fields, and snow festivals. It’s not hard to find ski fields in Hokkaido, and during winter, tourists flock from all over the world the ski on these pristine and beautiful ski fields.