Hakone Shrine, also known as Hakone Jinja (箱根神社) in Japanese, is a renowned Shinto shrine located in the town of Hakone, in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is situated near the shores of Lake Ashi and is known for its picturesque setting with Mount Fuji often visible in the background on clear days.
The history of Hakone Shrine dates back to the Nara period (710-794) in Japan. It is said to have been originally founded in the 8th century by a Buddhist monk named Mangan. The shrine was later converted to a Shinto shrine during the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century, which marked a period of separation between Buddhism and Shintoism in Japan.
The shrine has a number of visitor facilities, including a museum that displays historical artifacts and cultural items related to the shrine and the Hakone region. The shrine is dedicated to multiple deities, including Hakone Gongen, who is believed to protect against disasters and grant safety to travelers. Many people visit the shrine to seek blessings for safe journeys
One of the most iconic features of Hakone Shrine is the picturesque red torii gate that stands in the waters of Lake Ashi.
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Hours and Admission
- Hours: 24/7
- Free
- Average Time Spent: 20 minutes
- Official Website
Where To Stay
Hakone Hotel
Luxury hotel, featuring rooms with unforgettable lake views, world class dining, and immaculate facilities.
Book Now (Booking.com)Book Now (Agoda)Odakyu Hotel de Yama
Lake-side hotel, boasting large gardens to explore and relax in, convenient location, just a 5 minute drive from the port.
Book Now (Booking.com)Book Now (Agoda)Guest House Tsutaya
Modern and fresh Guesthouse located near the Hakone Ropeway, with great shared facilities.
Access Hakone Shrine
Hakone Shrine is a short 5-10 minute walk from the Moto-Hakone dock, which is a stop on the Hakone Sightseeing Cruise ferry service. This allows for easy access to the shrine from most of the main locales in the Hakone Area.
Getting around Hakone is easy with the Hakone Free Pass, which covers 8 different transport options in the Hakone area, including the Hakone Sightseeing Cruise, the Hakone Ropeway, Hakone Tozan Railway, and some bus lines in the area.
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